

NATURal ingredients


To better understand how our sweets are made here is an overview of the ingredients used.


Fruits and flowers

It’s the use of real fruit and flowers such as: figs, rose petals, almonds, pistachios, orange peel, melons, that gives our sweets their delicate flavour.


Natural preservatives

The sugar in the sweets preserves the fruit.

Used in different forms-cane sugar, beetroot sugar, honey, glucose syrup, inverted sugar syrup, sorbitol-have a varied sweetening effect and can, depending on the form used, avoid the formation of sugar crystals during the sweet making process.


Cane or beet sugar: composed almost exclusively of sucrose it is extracted from two plants, sugar cane and sugar beet. It is used in all our sweets.


Honey: used in the fig nougat, it is a province flower honey. As well as its preserving quality, it’s also what gives the nougat its rich and intense flavour.


Glucose syrup: is an essential ingredient for the successful confectioning of pastry, sweets and ice-cream. This syrup is in all of our sweets and is made from the hydrolysis of maize (corn) or potato starch.


Inverted sugar syrup: it has been around for some time and it is the main component in honey. It is a mixture of glucose syrup and fructose syrup.


Sorbitol: is natural sugar alcohol with a sweet taste. Its sweetening effect is two times weaker than that of sucrose. The sorbitol used in our sweets is extracted from maize (corn).


Natural flavouring

Present in fruit or in plants, natural flavours are used to flavour some of our sweets such as the berlingots and the raspberry mini- calissons.


Natural food dyes

Some of our sweets are coloured with natural food dyes of plant origin. Discover plants from which they are obtained :


red  >  beet (E162)

black  > vegetal coal (E153)

orange  >  carotenoïdes (E160)

purple  >  red cabbage (E163)

green  >  chlorophyll (E140)

yellow  >  turmeric (E100)